
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How to remove Facebook friends from your iPhone's contact list

iOS 6 features tighter integration with Facebook, including adding your Facebook friends to your contacts list, not to mention adding their birthdays to your calendar. Learn how to loosen Facebook's grip on your contacts and calendar.

Perhaps I'm slow, but just I noticed that all of my Facebook friends are now littered throughout my iPhone's contacts list. This change is a result of iOS 6's tighter integration with Facebook, so I've been living with it for a few months now. (In my defense, allow me to state that for most calls, I use the Favorites list, where Facebook contacts don't show up instead of the All Contacts list, where they do.)
If you have been living with a contacts list inundated with hundreds of Facebook friends, there is an easy fix. Head to Settings and scroll down until you find Facebook. For the Facebook setting, you'll see a section titled Allow These Apps to Use Your Account. Tap the slider to Off for Contacts. Now, head back to the All Contacts list and you'll see your list returned to its state prior to iOS 6 -- listing only the contacts you entered.

Not allowing Facebook to access your contacts also has another effect: it cleans up the calendar app by removing birthday reminders for your Facebook friends. And if you'd like to keep Facebook events from showing up on your calendar, turn the Calendar slider to Off in Settings > Facebook.

For more, I would direct you to Jason Cipriani's post on Understanding Facebook integration on iOS 6. 

South Indian chicken curry

Ingredients :

    3 green finger chillies, roughly chopped
    ½ tsp turmeric
    ½ tsp ground coriander
    ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
    2 tsp root ginger, peeled and finely grated
    4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
    1/2 tsp salt
    10 shallots, topped, tailed and cut in half
    4 tbsp sunflower oil
    6-10 curry leaves
    2-4 cloves
    500 g boneless and skinless chicken breasts, cut into 4cm pieces
    200 ml coconut milk
    Plain basmati rice, to serve

Method :
1. In a blender or with a pestle and mortar, blitz the chillies, turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, salt and two shallots with 1 tbsp of the oil and 2 tbsp cold water to make a coarse to medium paste.

2. In a bowl, combine the chicken and the spice paste so all the chicken pieces are coated, allow to marinade for 20 minutes or longer if possible.

3. Heat the remaining oil in a heavy-based pan. Add the curry leaves and cloves and fry for 1 minute. Add the chicken and fry for 5 minutes until the spices become fragrant. Leave the remaining paste in the bowl for later.

4. Tip in the remaining shallots and continue frying for 10-12 minutes until they are lightly brown on the outside. Pour 100ml cold water and the coconut milk in the bowl with the remaining spice paste and combine.

5. Pour over the chicken and mix well. Simmer for 5-7 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Serve hot with plain basmati rice.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Through the boundaries of classical physics: quantum mechanics properties of light are shown

In physics there are two categories: classical physics and quantum physics. In classical physics, an object such as a car or a ball, has a position and velocity. This is how we classically see our everyday world. In the quantum world, objects can also have the position and velocity, but not at the same time. Not merely because we do not know the position and velocity, but, both of these things did not exist simultaneously. But how do we know if they do not exist simultaneously? And where is the border of two worlds? Researchers have discovered a new way to answer this question.Light on quantum mechanics"Our goal is to use quantum mechanics in new ways. It is important for us to know if a system does not behave can have a classical explanation. On this side, we first examine the light, "said Eran Kot, a PhD student in the research team, Quantum Optics at the Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen.Based on a series of experiments in quantum optics lab, they examine the state of the light. In classical physics, light has electric and magnetic fields as well."What our study shows is the light can have a magnetic field and electric field, but not simultaneously. We then give a simple proof that the classical principle of breaking experiments. It can be said that if we show that the quantum properties of light, and we can expand this to other systems as well, "said Eran Kot.Classical mechanics and non-classicalThe purpose of this study is to understand the world fundamentally, but there are also practical challenges to exploit quantum mechanics in a broader context. For the light it is not surprising that it behaves quantum mechanically, but other methods are also being developed to study other systems."We are trying to develop quantum computers of the future and we therefore need to understand the limits where something behaves quantum mechanically and when he behaves mechanically classic," said professor of quantum physics, Anders S Sorensen, explaining that quantum computing should be composed of systems with non-classical properties .News source: University of Copenhagen.Reference journal:Eran Kot, Niels Grønbech-Jensen, Bo M. Nielsen, Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Eugene S. Polzik and Anders S. Sørensen. Breakdown of the Classical Description of a Local System. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2012 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.233601

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Found, Giant Deer Shaped Stone Structures

Motif is a huge stone stretching over 275 meters. Starting from the furthest point in the northwest to the southeast. 

A man named Alexander Shestakov accidentally found a giant motifs made ​​of stone (geoglyph) form of deer on the Russian soil. The findings are then forwarded to the scientists that eventually led to the excavation led by Stanislav Grigoriev of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of History & Archaeology.

This giant motif located near Lake Zjuratkul, in the Ural Mountains, northern Kazakhstan. It looked like a deer with a muzzle, four legs and two horns. Even the satellite images of Google Earth in the year 2007 shows a tail. However, this form is more unclear in recent photographs.

Without counting the tail, a huge stone motif stretches along 275 meters. Starting from the furthest point in the northwest to the southeast. This is the same stretch of double-wide American football field. This motif is facing north and can be seen from the ridge of the hills nearby.

"This motif looks white and a little shine when compared to a background of green grass," wrote Nikolai Grigoriev and Menshenin, of the State Centre for Monument Protection, as reported in the journal Antiquity Thursday (11/10).

Research indicates if geoglyph is the product of the megalithic culture. In addition, the team led by Grigoriev discovered that the motive is very complicated.

However, there is more to the excavations carried out in this geoglyph because it feared it would ruin motif. Added to this is if geoglyph this is not the first in the Ural region, as also found hundreds of other megalithic sites in adjacent locations.
(From National Geogrfi, Zika Zakiya. Sources: Live Science)

Proof First Location Julius Caesar Stabbed Dead

Some archaeologists from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) claimed to find evidence of the first location where Julius Caesar was stabbed. Caesar, the charismatic leader of Rome, is known for was stabbed by his political rivals in the Senate on March 15 BCE (BCE). 

However, the knowledge that has been a classic text-without any evidence whatsoever. Now, the tragedy can be explained by the fact archaeological find. Archaeologists dig up concrete structure with a width and height of 3 meters x 2 meters at the base Curia (theater) of Pompey, Torre Argentina, Rome, Italy. This location is mentioned in the literature as the scene of the stabbing. This structure is thought to be built by Augustus, Caesar's adopted son once successor, to protest against the murder. Structures that eventually become the key findings of the archaeologists. They concluded that Caesar was stabbed while sitting presided over the meeting with members of the Senate. 

What exactly stabbing the structure of four walls covered with concrete. "We know Julius Caesar has been assassinated in the Curia of Pompey on March 15, 44 BC through classic texts that are passed down through the generations. But as long as there is no material evidence of it," said Antonio Monterroso, one of the researchers from the CSIC. Tragedy stabbing Caesar, added Monterroso, usually imaged in the history of painting or film. Classical literature also mentions, three days after the murder, Curia was closed and turned into a special temple to Caesar. To study the relationship between existing buildings around the complex trying stabbing with what he described, helped archaeologists learn some other buildings. One of them Portico of the Hundred Columns, commonly known by the name Hecatostylon. "It is interesting, in the sense of civic and community, that thousands of people now ride the bus and tram right next to where Julius Caesar was stabbed last year 2056," said Monterroso. (Zika Zakiya. Sources: Live Science, International Business Time). From National Geografi

Sunday lunch, chunky soups and fruity crumbles

Good Food Channel

Round off the weekend with one of our great Sunday roasts.

Try roast beef with beetroot, apple and orange relish, golden chicken with lemongrass butter or roast lamb with a spiced rub.

And of course, no roast dinner is complete without the ultimate roast potatoes.

arrow  Roast dinner recipes

arrow  More beef recipes

Roast beef with beetroot, apple and orange relish
East vegetable soup Plum, pear and pecan crumble
Make a filling soup, from a simple vegetable soup to healthy beef noodles or spicy chorizo and white bean stew.

Plum, pear and pecan is just one of the fruity combinations in our top 10 crumble recipes. Comfort food at its best.

Duck and pineapple red curry Safari Kitchen
Let the dinner fairy take care of your evening meal with these fabulous slow cooker recipes.

Experience the amazing wildlife and food of Kenya as Craig Higgins serves up dinner for safari holidaymakers.

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Go retro with Rachel Allen's classic dessert of ice cream, jam and sponge.
Half muffin, half cupcake, try these simple chocolate and pecan treats.
Ever wondered if you could make 8,000 cupcakes in one weekend?
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2X2 Bicycle Rack turns your motorcycle into a four-wheeler

If you really like your motorcycle, then perhaps you might be keen on the idea of using it as your one and only source of motorized transportation – for part of the year, at least. However, what happens if you’re also an avid cyclist, who sometimes needs to transport your bike? According to inventor, cyclist and motorbike rider Garrett Blake, all you need to do is buy his 2X2 Cycles Motorcycle Bicycle Rack.

“I could not see why I would own a motorcycle and not be able to have duality in use,” he explained to us. “I always hated having to decide between a motorcycle ride or taking the car to transport the bike to my favorite trail head or group ride.”

That frustration resulted in his creating the 2X2.

The brake light-equipped steel rack mounts on the rear of the motorcycle using supplied bolts – no drilling or altering of the vehicle is required. Exactly how it’s mounted varies between different makes of motorcycle. Buyers will be advised on the mounting method for their particular motorcycle when they order the rack.

Once the 2X2 is in place, the bicycle reportedly mounts on it in a matter of seconds. The process starts with the front wheel being removed, and the fork getting clamped into a lockable quick release at the front of the rack. Next, at the rear of the rack, the left-side crank is lowered into a rubber-coated sling, and secured in place with another quick-release mechanism. The detached front wheel is then attached to a receptacle just above the sling, using its own quick-release.

Finally, a strap is run over the bike’s handlebar stem, and attached to the motorcycle’s frame or passenger foot pegs. This is for added security, and – according to Blake – it helps keep the bike’s weight concentrated on the back of the motorcycle, as opposed to hanging out behind it.
But yes, about that ... how does carrying a bike affect the motorcycle’s handling? “It is a bit different between motorcycles,” said Garrett. “If you mount it on a 50cc light displacement scooter there will be more effect than on a 600-pound [272-kg] dual sport. On average the effect is far less than a passenger on board.”

The 2X2 Cycles Motorcycle Bicycle Rack works with Honda, BMW, Kawasaki, KTM, Harley Davidson, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, Aprilia, and Ducati motorcycles. It is available now, for US$298. Another motorcycle bike rack, the Johnny Rack, was available as recently as last year, but the company is no longer in business. Gizmag Info

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Facts and Stories Behind The sculptures in Jakarta Indonesia

Lots of interesting stories and facts behind the creation of the statues in the city. As we know today, there are some monument or statue known presence in Jakarta, including Air Sculptures, Statues Welcome, sculpture wijaya Arjuna, hero statue, and so forth.
There are facts and interesting stories behind the statues. I will discuss in this opportunity, especially for those of you who do not know.

1. Facts Arjuna Wijaya statue or sculpture Asta Brata
Arjuna Wijaya statue was built in August 1987. This sculpture portrays Arjuna in the war chariot Baratayudha Batara ridden by Krishna. The scene sculpture by sculptor Nyoman Nuarta fragment was taken from them against Duke when Karna. By people jakarta, this statue commonly known as the Statue of horse demon, nor Statue wagon. 

Trains on the statue was pulled by eight horses, which symbolize the eight teaching life idolized by President Soeharto. Asta Brata include the philosophy of life that teaches we should follow the example of the earth, sun, fire, stars, ocean, wind, rain and moon. At the statue's inscription attached reads "Kuhantarkan you continue to struggle with the development who did not know the end."
The process of making these sculptures have had limited funds, so that the statue was made ​​of polyester resin has a weakness easily brittle when exposed to ultraviolet light. Until 2003, Arjuna Wijaya statue was damaged, so the statue was eventually rebuilt at a cost of 4M. Materials statue itself was replaced with copper.

1. Statue of Aerospace Facts
Aerospace statue commonly known as nick name, Jewel of the statue, the statue "hey you", and some even call it a statue of Superman. The statue is located in the Jewel was designed by Edhi Sunarso circa 1964 - 1965 with the help of family Arca Yogyakarta at the request of Bung Karno. The objective of this statue is to showcase the might and power of the air force of the Indonesian nation.
Aerospace statue is facing North with his hand held up to the former international airport Kemayoran. Its location close to the Headquarters Air Force in southern and Domestic Airport at Halim Perdana Kusuma Tenggaranya. Because housed in the Jewel's why the statue is often spelled Pancoran statue.
There are stories circulating that Indonesia has experienced a budget shortfall for the cost of making this sculpture, so that the President must be willing to sell his car to pay the deficiency.

3. Facts Statue Welcome
Welcome statue was built to house the athletes attendees Asian Games IV in 1962. This statue is located in front of Hotel Indonesia in a standing position just above the fountain roundabout. The bronze statue was made ​​by Edhi Sunarso, and designed together with Henk Ngantung former Governor of Jakarta. As per the same name, the statue was built to provide a welcome greeting to the newcomers. The position of the statue facing towards the city (north) also showed areas of the city served as the center of business, trade, and migrants from the port at the time. 

There are five statues around the Fountain formation is used as a symbol of the ideology of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila. This symbol also serves to give greetings to the city of Jakarta as the Capital city of the State and Metropolitan formation greeting Good Morning, Good afternoon, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Happy Sunday.
People used to call the statue jakarta welcome as a statue or sculpture barley HI
4. Facts Youth Build StatuePizza Man ​​Statue Male or carry a torch, so people call it. It was built as a tribute to young men and women in participation in the development of Indonesia. Sculpture is represented by a strong and handsome young man who was holding a plate containing a fire that never goes out as the embodiment of the spirit of development that never dies.
When its construction, this statue is planned for completion in the Youth Pledge Day on October 28, 1971, but due to unfinished construction was inaugurated in March 1972. This statue is located at the roundabout Senayan, the strategic place as a meeting point between Senayan, Central Jakarta as a gateway to the South Jakarta area.
5. Facts Statue of HeroesThe statue was created as a form of tribute to the freedom fighters of Indonesia, which is symbolized by a man wearing hat (hat the farmer) carrying guns and invoking the blessings the woman on her side to advance to the battlefield. Caused capingnya cap that, then people used to call this sculpture as the statue of the farmer.

The idea of this sculpture began when President Soekarno to travel to Moscow and he was impressed with the sculptures there. When the president of Russia's President Sukarno introduced to one artist named Matvei Manizer and his son Otto Manizer.
They were then invited to Indonesia to make a sculpture that symbolizes the spirit of freedom. The second is where the sculptor was wandering legends of West Java and found a story about a mother who accompanies her son to go to war. The mother gives the child's spirit that won every battle and always remember their parents and country. The bronze statue was made ​​in Russia and brought to Indonesia by ship, and then inaugurated in 1963 by President Soekarno. On board at monument reads: "This nation is a nation that appreciates great hero".

Reuse an old router to bridge devices to your wireless network

Many smart or connected devices come with wired-only connections (Ethernet), like your TV, game console, DVD player, TiVo, or other streaming-media device. Unless your Internet modem or wireless router happens to be at the same location as those devices, connecting them to your wireless network can be a challenge.

Possible solutions include, power-line adapters, dedicated wireless adapters for each device, or installing Ethernet jacks. Unfortunately, those options can get expensive and each has its unique drawbacks. Another option is using a wireless bridge. A wireless bridge connects two wired networks together over Wi-Fi. The wireless bridge acts as a client, logging in to the primary router and getting an Internet connection, which it passes on to the devices connected to its LAN Jacks. You can buy a dedicated wireless bridge, but if you have an old router lying around, you might be able to convert it into a wireless bridge using DD-WRT.

DD-WRT is free Linux-based firmware for routers that replaces the router's factory firmware. It can breathe new life into an old router, giving it enhanced performance and new features. One of the features of DD-WRT is the ability to switch the router's function to a wireless bridge.
This tutorial, based on the DD-WRT Wiki, will go over how to configure DD-WRT for use as a wireless bridge (client bridge mode), using a Linksys WRT54G router as an example. The process is fairly straightforward but will require some time and patience to complete. In the steps below, primary router refers to the main router that you'll connect to, while bridge router refers to the router you're configuring as a client bridge.
Step 1: Check the DD-WRT router database to see if your router is supported. If your router isn't supported, keep an eye out at The Cheapskate blog for router deals. Rick Broida recently found a refurbished router with DD-WRT support for just $9.99.
Step 2: If your router is supported, you'll see it listed in the database and it'll include links to the firmware. It may also include device-specific directions on how to install DD-WRT, but you'll want to read over the general installation notes as well. In some cases, you'll need to install a firmware prep, prior to installing the actual DD-WRT firmware. It's possible to brick your router during installation if not performed correctly, so read the directions carefully and follow each step as noted.
Step 3: Once you've successfully installed DD-WRT, perform a hard reset on the router. This usually involves holding a reset button/pin for 30 seconds or until you see the router's lights flashing. Refer to your router's user manual to figure out the exact method for a hard reset.
Step 4: Connect an Ethernet cable from your computer to one of the LAN jacks on the bridge router, then set a static IP address on your computer. Use something like, so you'll be on the same subnet as the bridge router, which will have an IP address of
Step 5: Open a Web browser and enter in the address bar. The DD-WRT Web interface will appear and you'll be prompted to change your username and password. Choose a username and password, then click the Change Password button.
Step 6: Go to Wireless > Wireless Security, then set the same Security Mode, Algorithm, and Shared Key as your primary router. Click Save.

 Step 7: Go to Wireless > Basic Settings, then change the Wireless Mode to Client Bridge. Set the same Network Mode and SSID as your primary router. If your bridge router is an N router, you may also need to set the same wireless channel width as your primary router. Click Save, then Apply Settings.
 Step 8: Go to Setup > Basic Setup, then fill in the router IP info. For the local IP address of the router, choose an address in the same subnet as your primary router. If your primary router is on the 192.168.1.x subnet, choose something like Leave the Subnet Mask as and enter the IP address of your primary router as the Gateway. Leave Local DNS blank and select your time zone. Optionally, you can check the box to Assign WAN Port to Switch. This converts the WAN port to a LAN port, providing you with an extra port on your bridge router. Click Apply Settings
Step 9: Log back in to your bridge router using the new address you set (
Step 10: Go to Security > Firewall, then under Block WAN Requests, make sure that only "Filter Multicast" is checked. Click Save.

Step 11: Under Firewall Protection, make sure "SPI Firewall" is disabled, then click Apply Settings.
Step 12: Go to Setup > Advanced Routing, then set the Operating Mode to "Router." Click Save.

Step 13: Remove the static IP address from your computer and re-enable automatic IP addressing. At this point, the bridge router should pass along an IP address from the primary router to your computer, giving you access to the Internet.
Step 14: Once you've verified that your computer can access the Internet while physically connected to the bridge router, you can disconnect your computer. You're now ready to connect your wired devices to the bridge router from anywhere in your home (within range of your primary router).
  • If you're using MAC filtering on your primary router, you'll want to add the bridge router's wireless MAC address, not the LAN MAC address that's usually printed physically on the router. To find the wireless MAC address, go to Status > Sys-Info.
  • If your primary router is a Wireless-N router, but your bridge router is a Wireless-G router, you may need to set the wireless mode to a setting that supports b/g networks.
That's it. Now you can connect all your wired devices to your wireless network, even if they're not next to your primary router. It's worth mentioning that a wireless bridge is also useful when the scenario is reversed. If you have your Internet modem and primary router next to your TV, but need connectivity to your computer in another location, you can use the wireless bridge to provide a connection to your computer, printer, NAS, etc.
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