
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

CHICKEN Taliwang

1 whole free-range chicken
100 ml vegetable oil
1 orange juice, take the water

Seasonings, puree :
14 dried red chilies
12 grains of red onion
8 cloves of garlic
100 g red tomatoes
2 tsp shrimp paste fried
5 cm kencur
25 g sugar Java
2 tsp salt


How to make :
1. Cut the chicken from the center of the chest up towards the neck. Turn the chicken and press it open.
2. Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant and cooked. Lift.
3. Sprinkle lemon juice and stir well.
4. Marinate chicken with seasoning until blended.
5. Place on a flat baking sheet, bake in a hot oven 180 C for 1 hour until cooked. Flip-turning and basting occasionally seasoning. Lift.
6. Grilled chicken over charcoal embers until slightly dry.
7. Lift.

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