Whether you use them in your everyday work flow, or dust them off on occasion, flash drives are perhaps one of the handiest, most underrated gadgets out there. Despite the cloud storage trend, many of us still rely on these doodads when we need to transfer data in a pinch.
And thanks to the InterWebs, there's a seemingly endless variety of unique flash drives to match your equally special personality. But, what's better than forking over $20 to $30 on a low-capacity, overpriced flash drive? Making your own on the cheap. After sifting through the Web for DIYs, here are seven of the most doable (and unusual) homemade thumbdrives out there.
And thanks to the InterWebs, there's a seemingly endless variety of unique flash drives to match your equally special personality. But, what's better than forking over $20 to $30 on a low-capacity, overpriced flash drive? Making your own on the cheap. After sifting through the Web for DIYs, here are seven of the most doable (and unusual) homemade thumbdrives out there.