
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Recipe bacem Tempe, Tofu and Chicken

Bacem Tempe, Tofu and Chicken is a complement of Vegetable Bobor menu. Typically used are chicken heads, but if you do not like it, you can replace it with chicken thighs or breasts.
Recipe Ingredients bacem Tempe, Tofu and Chicken:

200 gr out
200 gr tempe
3 pieces of chicken thigh / 6 pieces of chicken heads
cooking oil to taste
Recipe Seasoning bacem Tempe, Tofu and Chicken:

5 pieces of red onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 teaspoon coriander
1 tablespoon sugar Java
2 bay leaves
1 vertebra finger galangal, crushed
How to Make bacem Tempe, Tofu and Chicken:

Boil tofu, tempe, thighs / cock head with enough water until submerged.
Put all the spices into the stew tofu, tempeh, thighs / cock head. Cook until done and water dries. Lift.
Fried tofu, tempeh and legs / heads of chicken in hot oil until cooked and plenty.
Remove and serve.
For 5 servings
Jogjakarta palace cuisine transcribe from inforesep
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